Datacenter build and management service
Chainable action that uses the target_user_id_or_email
value provided in the stash (usually
via the request URL) to look up a user, and stashes the result in target_user
Revoke a specified user’s tokens and prevents future token authentication, forcing the user to /login again. By default all of a user’s tokens are deleted, but this can be adjusted with query parameters:
* C<?login_only=1> login tokens are removed; api tokens are left alone
* C<?api_only=1> login tokens are left alone; api tokens are removed
If login tokens are affected, refuse_session_auth
is also set for the user, which forces the
user to change his password as soon as a login token is used again (but use of any existing api
tokens is allowed).
System admin only (unless reached via /user/me).
Sends an email to the affected user, unless ?send_mail=0
is included in the query (or
revoking for oneself).
Override the settings for a user with the provided payload
Set the value of a single setting for the target user.
FIXME: the key name is repeated in the URL and the payload :(
Get the key/values of every setting for a user.
Response uses the UserSettings json schema.
Get the individual key/value pair for a setting for the target user.
Response uses the UserSetting json schema.
Delete a single setting for a user, provided it was set previously.
Stores a new password for the current user.
Optionally takes a query parameter clear_tokens
, to also revoke session tokens for the user,
forcing the user to log in again. Possible options are:
* none
* login_only (default) - clear login tokens only
* all - clear all tokens (login and api - affects all APIs and tools)
When login tokens are cleared, the user is also logged out.
Generates a new random password for a user. System admin only.
Optionally takes a query parameter send_mail
(defaulting to true), to send an
email to the user with the new password.
Optionally takes a query parameter clear_tokens
, to also revoke session tokens for the user,
forcing the user to log in again. Possible options are:
* none
* login_only (default)
* all - clear all tokens (login and api - affects all APIs and tools)
If all tokens are revoked, the user must also change their password after logging in, as they will not be able to log in with it again.
Gets information about a user. System admin only (unless reached via /user/me). Response uses the UserDetailed json schema.
Updates user attributes. System admin only, unless the target user is the authenticated user.
Sends an email to the affected user, unless ?send_mail=0
is included in the query.
The response uses the UserError json schema for some error conditions; on success, redirects to
GET /user/:id
List all active users. System admin only. Response uses the Users json schema.
Creates a user. System admin only.
Optionally takes a query parameter send_mail
(defaulting to true), to send an
email to the user with the new password.
Response uses the NewUser json schema (or UserError for some error conditions).
Deactivates a user. System admin only.
Optionally takes a query parameter clear_tokens
(defaulting to true), to also revoke all
session tokens for the user, which would force all tools to log in again should the account be
reactivated (for which there is no api endpoint at present).
All memberships in organizations and builds are removed and are not recoverable.
Response uses the UserError json schema on some error conditions.
Get a list of unexpired tokens for the user (api only).
Response uses the UserTokens json schema.
Generate a new token, creating a JWT from it. Response uses the NewUserToken json schema. This is the only time the token string is provided to the user, so don’t lose it!
Chainable action that takes the token_name
provided in the path and looks it up in the
database, stashing a resultset to access it as token_rs
Only api tokens may be retrieved by this flow.
Get information about the specified (unexpired) api token.
Response uses the UserToken json schema.
Deactivates an api token from future use.
Copyright Joyent, Inc.
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