Datacenter build and management service
Verifies that all validations mentioned in validation plans correspond to modules we actually have available in Conch::Validation::*.
Legacy Validations not referenced by an active plan are ignored.
Returns a tuple, indicating the number of valid and invalid plans checked.
Verifies that a validation plan and its validations are all correct (correct parent class, module attributes match database fields, etc).
Returns the name of all modules successfully loaded.
Load all Conch::Validation::* sub-classes into the database. Existing validation records will not be modified if attributes change – instead, existing records will be deactivated and new records will be created to reflect the updated data.
Returns a tuple: the number of validations that were deactivated, and the number of new validation rows that were created.
This method is poorly-named: it should be ‘create_validations’.
Deactivate and/or create validation records for all validation modules currently present, then updates validation plan membership to reference the newest versions of the validations it previously had as members.
That is: does whatever is necessary after a code deployment to ensure that validation plans continue to run validations pointing to the same code modules.
Runs the provided validation_plan against the provided device and device report.
All provided data objects can and should be read-only (fetched with a ro db handle).
If no_save_db => 1
is passed, the validation records are returned (along with the
overall result status), without writing them to the database. Otherwise, a validation_state
record is created and legacy_validation_result records saved with deduplication logic applied.
Takes options as a hash:
validation_plan => $plan, # required, a Conch::DB::Result::LegacyValidationPlan object
device => $device, # required, a Conch::DB::Result::Device object
device_report => $report, # optional, a Conch::DB::Result::DeviceReport object
# (required if no_save_db is false)
data => $data, # optional, a hashref of device report data; required if
# device_report is not provided
no_save_db => 0|1 # optional, defaults to false
Runs the provided validation record against the provided device and device report. Creates and returns legacy_validation_result records, without writing them to the database.
All provided data objects can and should be read-only (fetched with a ro db handle).
Takes options as a hash:
validation => $validation, # required, a Conch::DB::Result::LegacyValidation object
device => $device, # required, a Conch::DB::Result::Device object
data => $data, # required, a hashref of device report data
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