Datacenter build and management service
[ ... in a controller ]
sub endpoint ($c) {
my $query_params = $c->validate_query_params('MyQueryParamsDefinition');
return if not $query_params;
my $body = $c->validate_request('MyRequestDefinition');
return if not $body;
Provides a mechanism to validate request and response payloads from an API endpoint against a JSON Schema.
Sets up the helpers.
These methods are made available on the $c
object (the invocant of all controller methods,
and therefore other helpers).
Given the name of a json schema in the query_params namespace, validate the provided data against it (defaulting to the request’s query parameters converted into a hashref: parameters appearing once are scalars, parameters appearing more than once have their values in an arrayref).
Because values are being parsed from the URI string, all values are strings even if they look like numbers.
On failure, an HTTP 400 response is prepared, using the response.json#/$defs/QueryParamsValidationError json response schema.
Population of missing data from specified defaults is performed. Returns a boolean.
Given the name of a json schema in the request namespace, validate the provided payload against it (defaulting to the request’s json payload).
On failure, an HTTP 400 response is prepared, using the response.json#/$defs/RequestValidationError json response schema.
Returns a boolean.
Returns a JSON::Schema::Draft201909 object with all JSON Schemas pre-loaded.
Rewrite a JSON::Schema::Draft201909::Result to match the format used by response.json#/$defs/JSONSchemaError.
Adds a response header of the form:
Link: <>; rel="describedby"
…indicating the JSON Schema that describes the response.
Before a controller action is executed, validate the incoming query parameters and request body
payloads against the schemas in the stash variables query_params_schema
, respectively.
Performs more checks when this “feature” in Conch::Plugin::Features is enabled:
Assumes the query parameters schema is query_params.json#/$defs/Null when not provided;
assumes the request body schema is request.json#/$defs/Null when not provided (for
Runs after dispatching is complete.
Performs more checks when this “feature” in Conch::Plugin::Features is enabled:
When not provided, assumes the response body schema is response.json#/$defs/Null (for all 2xx responses), or response.json#/$defs/Error (for 4xx responses).
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