Datacenter build and management service
Supports rack lookups by uuid.
Stores data as a new rack row, munging ‘role’ to ‘rack_role_id’.
Get a single rack
Response uses the Rack json schema.
Get all racks
Response uses the Racks json schema.
Gets all the layouts for the specified rack.
Response uses the RackLayouts json schema.
Update an existing rack.
Delete a rack.
Gets all the rack layout assignments (including occupying devices) for the specified rack.
Response uses the RackAssignments json schema.
Assigns devices to rack layouts, also optionally updating asset_tags. Existing devices in referenced slots will be removed as needed.
Updates the phase of this rack, and optionally all devices located in this rack.
Use the rack_only
query parameter to specify whether to only update the rack’s phase, or all
located devices’ phases as well.
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