Sets up the routes for /dc, /room, /rack_role, /rack and /layout:
Unless otherwise noted, all routes require authentication.
GET /dc
- Response: response.yaml#/Datacenters
POST /dc
- Request: input.yaml#/DatacenterCreate
- Response: Redirect to the created datacenter
GET /dc/:datacenter_id
- Response: response.yaml#/Datacenter
POST /dc/:datacenter_id
- Request: input.yaml#/DatacenterUpdate
- Response: Redirect to the updated datacenter
DELETE /dc/:datacenter_id
GET /dc/:datacenter_id/rooms
- Requires System Admin Authorization
- Response: response.yaml#/DatacenterRoomsDetailed
GET /room
- Requires System Admin Authorization
- Response: response.yaml#/DatacenterRoomsDetailed
POST /room
- Requires System Admin Authorization
- Request: input.yaml#/DatacenterRoomCreate
- Response: Redirect to the created room
GET /room/:datacenter_room_id
- Requires System Admin Authorization
- Response: response.yaml#/DatacenterRoomDetailed
POST /room/:datacenter_room_id
- Requires System Admin Authorization
- Request: input.yaml#/DatacenterRoomUpdate
- Response: Redirect to the updated room
DELETE /room/:datacenter_room_id
- Requires System Admin Authorization
- Response:
GET /room/:datacenter_room_id/racks
- Requires System Admin Authorization
- Response: response.yaml#/Racks
GET /rack_role
- Requires System Admin Authorization
- Response: response.yaml#/RackRoles
POST /rack_role
- Requires System Admin Authorization
- Request: input.yaml#/RackRoleCreate
- Response: Redirect to the created rack role
GET /rack_role/:rack_role_id_or_name
- Requires System Admin Authorization
- Response: response.yaml#/RackRole
POST /rack_role/:rack_role_id_or_name
- Request: input.yaml#/RackRoleUpdate
- Response: Redirect to the updated rack role
DELETE /rack_role/:rack_role_id_or_name
GET /rack
- Requires System Admin Authentication
- Response: response.yaml#/Racks
POST /rack
- Requires System Admin Authentication
- Request: input.yaml#/RackCreate
- Response: Redirect to the created rack
GET /rack/:rack_id
- Response: response.yaml#/Rack
POST /rack/:rack_id
- Request: input.yaml#/RackUpdate
- Response: Redirect to the updated rack
DELETE /rack/:rack_id
GET /rack/:rack_id/layouts
- Response: response.yaml#/RackLayouts
GET /rack/:rack_id/assignment
- Response: response.yaml#/RackAssignments
POST /rack/:rack_id/assignment
- Request: input.yaml#/RackAssignmentUpdates
- Response: Redirect to the updated rack assignment
DELETE /rack/:rack_id/assignment
This method requires a request body.
- Request: input.yaml#/RackAssignmentDeletes
- Response:
POST /rack/:rack_id/phase?rack_only=<0|1>
The query parameter rack_only
(default 0) specifies whether to update
only the rack’s phase, or all the rack’s devices’ phases as well.
- Request: input.yaml#/RackPhase
- Response:
GET /layout
- Response: response.yaml#/RackLayouts
POST /layout
- Requires Admin Authentication
- Request: input.yaml#/RackLayoutCreate
- Response: Redirect to the created rack layout
GET /layout/:layout_id
- Response: response.yaml#/RackLayout
POST /layout/:layout_id
- Request: input.yaml#/RackLayoutUpdate
- Response: Redirect to the update rack layout
DELETE /layout/:layout_id
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