Datacenter build and management service
Verifies that all validations mentioned in validation plans correspond to modules we actually have available in Conch::Validation::*.
Validations not referenced by an active plan are ignored.
Verifies that a validation plan and its validations are all correct (correct parent class, module attributes match database fields, etc).
Returns the name of all modules successfully loaded.
Load all Conch::Validation::* sub-classes into the database. Existing validation records will not be modified if attributes change – instead, existing records will be deactivated and new records will be created to reflect the updated data.
Returns a tuple: the number of validations that were deactivated, and the number of new validation rows that were created.
This method is poorly-named: it should be ‘create_validations’.
Deactivate and/or create validation records for all validation modules currently present, then deactivates and creates new validation plans to reference the newest versions of the validations it already had as members.
That is: does whatever is necessary after a code deployment to ensure that validation plans of the same name continue to run validations pointing to the same code modules.
Runs the provided validation_plan against the provided device.
All provided data objects can and should be read-only (fetched with a ro db handle).
If no_save_db => 1
is passed, the validation records are returned (along with the
overall result status), without writing them to the database. Otherwise, a validation_state
record is created and validation_result records saved with deduplication logic applied.
Takes options as a hash:
validation_plan => $plan, # required, a Conch::DB::Result::ValidationPlan object
device => $device, # required, a Conch::DB::Result::Device object
device_report => $report, # optional, a Conch::DB::Result::DeviceReport object
# (required if no_save_db is false)
data => $data, # optional, a hashref of device report data; required if
# device_report is not provided
no_save_db => 0|1 # optional, defaults to false
Runs the provided validation record against the provided device. Creates and returns validation_result records, without writing them to the database.
All provided data objects can and should be read-only (fetched with a ro db handle).
Takes options as a hash:
validation => $validation, # required, a Conch::DB::Result::Validation object
device => $device, # required, a Conch::DB::Result::Device object
data => $data, # required, a hashref of device report data
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