Conch Shell


Conch Shell is a CLI for accessing the Conch API

View the Project on GitHub joyent/conch-shell


The Conch ecosystem is designed to make the deployment of new server hardware easier, specifically targetting equipment to be used in the Joyent SmartDatacenter product line. Conch has two major backend systems. First, edge software boots new hardware, upgrades firmware, performs burn-in testing, and gathers the general state of the hardware. (This software is currently closed source.) Second, this edge data is fed into the open source Conch API server where the data is processed, validated, stored, and reported upon.

The Conch Shell is a CLI designed to interact with the Conch API, allowing operators to prepare datacenter builds, monitor those builds, and perform validation actions. While Conch has a web UI, the shell’s intention is to allow operators to do their work entirely in the CLI environment. Further, the conch shell specifically targets scriptability, allowing operators to automate all aspects of the Conch API.

$ conch wss

| ROLE  |                  ID                  | NAME        | DESCRIPTION      |
| admin | 67409695-3ee3-4d45-8366-8213090b158a | GLOBAL      | Global workspace |
| admin | 8c86ff85-1c0a-413c-a544-88e46d65a370 | conch-dev   | Conch Dev        |
| admin | 6e5aacae-fc39-4fca-8245-b62c7b231ca1 | us-east-1   |                  |
| admin | 8267bc59-307d-428b-a336-e381fe512aa3 | us-west-1   |                  |

User Documentation

The main focus for the Conch Shell is Joyent’s production environments. While the shell should operate against any instance of the Conch API, some bits of the documentation are Joyent specific.

Further, this site and all its documentation is targetted towards the master branch. If you need documentation for a specific release, see the docs directory in the git tag of your choice.

Obtaining The App


Joyent provides pre-compiled binaries for various platforms via Github Releases. These binaries are built in Joyent’s CI infrastructure using Docker to ensure a consistent build environment. If you’d like us to consider adding support for your favorite platform, file a Github issue.

For the SmartOS/Illumos users in the crowd, the solaris binary works fine in those environments.

Support is offered via Github Issues for the current release only.

Building The App


The Build

Always use the Makefile. The build process, via the Makefile, adds important information to the code base that is required for its successful operation.

Several configuration options are available only during the build process and can be specified in the environment. See the first few lines of the Makefile.

Building A Release

Copyright / License

Copyright Joyent Inc

This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, you can obtain one at