Conch Shell


Conch Shell is a CLI for accessing the Conch API

View the Project on GitHub joyent/conch-shell


Listing validations

conch validations lists all available validations. Each validation has an UUID ID. In commands on a single validation, you may use the full idea or the first 8 hexadecimal digits of the UUID (all characters before the first dash). For example, 39cb3ab6-1963-4c9a-94ea-e2d9258d8be0 may be shortened to 39cb3ab6.

Testing a validation with a device

conch validation VALIDATION_ID test DEVICE_ID tests a validation against a device. The DEVICE_ID is a device’s serial number. The command returns a table of the validation results from running the validation. This does not store the validations results in the database. This command is intended for testing a new validation or new reporting agent code.

conch validation VALIDATION_ID test DEVICE_ID receives the input data to validate from STDIN. The input data must be in JSON format. For example, you can do any of the following to test a validation:

$ conch validation 39cb3ab6 test COFFEE < report_data.json

$ conch validation 39cb3ab6 test COFFEE <<EOF
	"power" : {
		"gigawatts" : 1.21

Creating and managing validation plans

Validation plans are collections of validations. Validations plans are is executed during device report ingest. Validations are independent and un-ordered within a validation plan. A given validation may be in 0 or many validation plans, and a validation plan may have 0, 1, or many validations associated with it.

conch validation-plans get lists all available validation plans. Like validation IDs, you may shorten the UUID to the first 8 characters in commands.

conch validation-plan PLAN_ID validations lists all validations associated with the plan.

Testing validation plans

conch validation-plan VALIDATION_PLAN_ID test DEVICE_ID tests a validation plan against a device. Testing with a validation plan works identically to testing with a single validation, except the input data is processed by all validations in the validation plan. This command is useful for verifying a device report can satisfy the schemas for all validations in a validation plans when developing a reporting agent.

Like testing a validation, the command receives the JSON-formatted input data from STDIN. Any of the following options work.

$ conch validation-plan 39cb3ab6 test COFFEE < report_data.json

$ conch validation-plan 39cb3ab6 test COFFEE <<EOF
	"power" : {
		"gigawatts" : 1.21